Saturday, March 22, 2014

201 Things I Want To Teach My Daughters (That Aren't About Lipstick, Skin Care, or the Suppression of Sexuality)

One of the most beautiful, unrivaled careers in life is that of becoming and being a mother of high merit. As far back into my childhood as I can remember I've really only ever wanted one thing: A good mother. I've always, always wanted someone to have lunch with on the weekends, someone to tell me that it's okay to cry over "spilled milk," and someone to reassure me when I need to be told that I'm beautiful. Someone who would hold my hand, walk me through life, and smile and laugh with me light-heartedly. One lesson I've learned in life instead is that these "good" mothers don't grow on trees. Because of my past, I aspire to be a wonderful mother over most other things. I spend much too much time trying to suppress my brooding urges through Pinterest and perfecting my personal idea of what it means to truly be a wonderful mother. There's no such thing as a perfect parent. There are people who tell me, time and time again, that I will never know how I want to raise my children until I have them. I disagree. While the perfect parent may be a myth, the kind, open-minded, and generously loving parent is not. I will spend every moment of my time without children seeking to prepare to be the latter type of parent.

In my journey to gain parental understanding and broaden my horizon, I've happened across some amazing articles and I've happened across some lacking ones as well. An article I discovered earlier today reminded we why it is so important to me to plan motherhood in advance: Article after article floating around online highlight what mothers view as "worthy" lessons to teach their daughters. Don't get me wrong - I'm a lover of someone who takes the time and effort to plan out, in writing, how to be a good parent. Despite this openness I've been highly disappointed in the things I've read from these articles. Upon exploring the "things I want to teach my daughter" search on Google I found a handful of head-shake invoking posts. These are some examples of the "lessons" I found:

"Don’t scrimp on wine, perfume, or handbags. They say a lot about a woman."
"Don’t sleep around. Guys may have fun with sluts, but they don’t marry them."
"Do not take sex lightly."
"Men are effectively idiots until the age of 26."
"A smoothie is not a meal."
"Rules are made to be broken. Except mine."
"If you’re not married to him, don’t have unprotected sex with him."
"Don’t gossip. Except with me. I love that stuff."
"Just because you can fit in the extra-small, doesn’t mean you should be wearing it."
"Your body is yours. Save it to give to your husband. It will be worth it."
 "Read everything by Nicholas Sparks."
"As much as I want you to be happy, it is not my number one concern. Your growth as a Godly woman is."
“For every slice of pizza you eat, you will need to run 30 minutes to burn it off. Two slices equals an hour. Three slices? An hour and a half. You get the idea. That doesn’t include the beer.”

I had to stop and ask myself, "Are these REALLY the things that we want to be teaching our daughters?" The answer is no. We don't need to teach our daughters about petty things. We don't need them to think that wine, perfume, or handbags say a lot about their character. We don't need to encourage them to shame others who are open with their sexuality. We don't need to generalize men and cripple their ability to see that those of the opposite sex are fully capable of being thoughtful, considerate, and fully responsible human beings. 

My issue with these articles is that they promote life lessons that are easily learned and distributed by most mothers. What we have to offer our daughters is much, much more than simply beauty secrets, blind faith, and advice on not "getting fat." We have depth inside of our hearts and souls and minds that our daughters deserve to be able to tap into - That's how we're going to raise a generation of strong, loving, and kind women. We should be teaching our daughters how to be strong, how to love without hesitation, and how to live life to the fullest of their ability. In response to the articles I found I created a list of my very own, one that represents the type of mother and person I aspire to be. You can find it below.

1.    First of all, Mom doesn’t always know best. I will spend my life learning from you just as much as you will spend yours learning from me.
2.    Above all, “Re-examine what you have been told. Dismiss what insults your soul.” - Walt Whitman
3.    I will not be insulted by your full, unguarded opinion. Never feel the need to sugar coat.
4.    If you want to curse, curse. Curse loudly. Don’t let anyone tell you that a word defines you, makes you less of a woman, or will be marked against you eternally.
5.    Beauty is a state of mind. Your body is merely a vessel to carry your beautiful soul. Spend your time decorating your soul, and beauty will forever be yours, whether you’re fifteen or fifty-two.
6.    Your body is beautiful, strong, and capable, regardless of what society will tell you.
7.    You are flawed – beautifully, wonderfully, and uniquely flawed. Learn where your short-comings are and accept them. The world isn’t always kind and will find ways to use your flaws against you regardless of if you do or don’t deny them.
8.    You are not your large breasts. You are not your large bum. You are not the tininess of your waist nor the curvature of your thighs. You are not your lack of either.
9.    Never be afraid to try something new, even if that something new is scary and intimidating.
10. Happiness is all about balance.
11. If you want to do it, it’s never a waste of time.
12. If you want to dye your hair blue and pink, do it. Explore who you want to be.
13. You will never understand the opposite sex. You will probably never understand the same sex. People are confusing. Don’t spend your life trying to explain their behavior.
14. Learn that ignorance doesn’t necessarily equate to stupidity.
15. You are your truest and most dependable friend. Love yourself.
16. If you feel alone, get a cat. Get five cats. They’ll be your best friends and they won’t ever forsake you.
17. You are not better than anyone else, and no one is better than you.
18. One of the best traits you can possess is that of a good listener.
19. Find people that you can pour your soul out onto without worrying about the mess you’ve made.
20. Don’t judge a book by its cover. There is depth inside every person that you could never fully grasp.
21. If you are happy, I will never be disappointed in you.
22. Never deny yourself something that you think about more than once a day (unless that thing is bad for you in the long run).
23. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or to get help.
24. Never buy a scale. Happiness cannot be measured in your gravitational pull.
25. Spend your life challenging yourself. A still, comfortable life never breeds growth.
26. Sometimes ice cream is the only band-aid that will bandage your weary soul. Never feel guilty for allowing Ben & Jerry to put their arms around you and nurse you back to feeling whole again.
27. Food may only be a temporary fix, but it’s a damn good one.
28. Enjoy every bite of every meal. Being able to eat regularly and things we enjoy is a luxury that many don’t have.
29. You don’t have to have children to know how you want to raise them.
30. Losing weight will not make you happy. Aim for healthiness because it will extend your life and your body will appreciate that much, much more than beating yourself up over a desired skinny frame when that’s not your natural state. Exercise to be strong and healthy.
31. Don’t get pulled into useless drama. It's honestly all some people live for.
32. Be happy with the body you have at your most healthy.
33. Real women are women of any size. There are no guidelines to being a woman and the handbook for becoming a “real woman” doesn’t exist.
34. Everyone has stretch marks and no one who matters gives a shit about them.
35. You don’t need a spouse to feel whole. If there’s emptiness inside of you, fill it with knowledge and the world. When you are no longer empty inside, you are ready to give yourself to another person.
36. Practice unconditional love, no matter how hard it is. Expect to be hurt and accept the hurt as a learning experience.
37. Never let anyone use you. Never use anyone else.
38. You don’t need anything that is held over your head.
39. There is beauty everywhere, you only have to look for it.
40. Life is more important than money. Go out with friends, go dancing too much, splurge on bath bombs, don’t work too hard. Money won’t make you happy but memories will.
41. You are not your career. You don’t have to have a career to be worthy.
42. Your GPA does not define you.
43. Unfortunately your GPA does define your ability to progress academically. Be sure to keep your grades up, but don’t make school your life. You are more than a number or letter grade on a piece of paper.
44. A grade on an exam cannot accurately represent the amount of knowledge you possess.
45. Try to be laid back, even when life gets stressful. Being mellow and going with the flow is much easier than being anxious over every detail that goes wrong.
46. Don’t be afraid to make friends online. Keep up with them, visit them, and broaden your horizon.
47. You are not the extra slice of pizza you ate and you are not your choice to have a salad. Food is to sustain your body and soul and nothing more. You deserve to enjoy it.
48. Intimacy comes in many shapes and sizes. Never discount a quiet evening with soft music and someone to share your heart with.
49. Always tell the truth. Honesty will get you places in life that pretty lies never will. You will excel in relationships that are built on honesty and love.
50. It’s okay to be scared and it’s okay to be brave.
51. Never call yourself ugly. When you’re tempted to do so, read this: “It doesn't make sense to call ourselves ugly, because we don't really see ourselves. We don't watch ourselves sleeping in bed, curled up silent with our chests rising & falling with our own rhythm. We don't see ourselves reading a book, eyes fluttering and glowing. You don't see yourself looking at someone with love and care in your heart. There's no mirror in your way when your laughing and smiling and pure happiness is leaking out of you. You would know exactly how bright and beautiful you are if you saw yourself in the moments where you are truly your authentic self.
52. Don’t use words that hurt other people. Remove ugly from your vocabulary and celebrate the beauty in the uniqueness of every individual person, even if they aren’t quite your cup of tea.
53. There are indeed other fish in the sea, but if that’s the fish you truly want, don’t let it swim away forever.
54. Pray if you want to, accept prayers even if you don’t. You don’t have to practice religion to appreciate someone taking time out of their day to send positive vibes in your direction.
55. Coconut oil will fix everything. Put it on your face, your hair, your body, your food.
56. Your eyes are galaxies full of depth, mystery and desire. Never let someone tell you that they’re only blue/green/brown/hazel.
57. Never stop seeking answers, never stop asking questions.
58. You don’t have to be a “good girl” if you don’t want to.
59. In fact, you don’t have to accept any label given to you. You are only you, and simple, generalized words such as good or bad could never encompass the entirety of your heart and soul and mind.
60. Everyone makes mistakes and the best mistakes are ones that are learned from. Never regret your mistakes. Appreciate the person that they’ve crafted you into.
61. Never feel guilty for treating yourself. If you want to buy the $50 mascara, buy it. If you want an extra cookie, eat it. If you want to splurge on an expensive product, do it. You deserve only the best.
62. Your body is yours and yours alone. It does not belong to any man, woman, parent, friend, society, or god.
63. Your body is a gift and you have the right to present it to whomever you feel is deserving.
64. Don’t allow someone to pressure you to do anything, especially sex.
65. You control your reality.
66. Don’t be afraid to sacrifice your control and melt into someone else completely and entirely.
67. Don’t spend your life fearing loss of control because every second that you spend doing so is a second of happiness and peace lost.
68. Love stories are all wrong. Don’t grow up believing that you’ll be saved by Prince Charming. The best love stories end with you spending your life with your best friend, laughing at each other’s farts, and falling asleep holding one another night after night.
69. Prince Charming is the most crippling myth society has ever given us.
70. Love is tricky and painful and scary. It will never be easy, but it will always be worth it.
71. Never give up on someone you can’t go an entire day without thinking of.
72. There’s no man in the world that will love you more than your father.
73. Men are in complete control of their every desire and action. Never let a man tell you that he “just couldn’t help himself.” Hold him accountable for his decisions.
74. If someone loves you and makes a mistake, forgive them. Just be careful to not spend your life forgiving them for unforgivable things.
75. Your time is the most valuable gift you can give someone.
76. Patience is a virtue that will reward you lifelong.
77. You are always capable of change. Your abilities are not fixed.
78. Travel as much as possible. Don’t worry about money. Experience places, live in the streets, live out of your car, not know where you’re going to end up tomorrow.
79. Feel all of your emotions fully and savor them. Let them pass when they should and don’t allow them to linger.
80. Don’t ever compare yourself to anyone else. You are a much better you than anyone else could ever be.
81. Everyone struggles. Be kind to those around you because you never know if they’re fighting to stay above the current.
82. Rules are made to be broken. Even mine. Prove me wrong.
83. A true friend won’t be afraid to call you out on your bullshit. Friendship is an amazing, clarifying thing. Never write someone off for being honest with you.
84. It’s perfectly okay to be sad, it’s perfectly okay to be heartbroken, and big girls DO cry.
85. Never let anyone blame your reactions on PMS. Your period does not turn you into a raging, murderous monster once a month – it merely makes you less likely to quietly take other people’s shit.
86. Periods are not disgusting – they’re a part of life. Embrace your womanhood.
87. You don’t have to be dainty.
88. If you want a huge burger on the first date, get one.
89. Don’t change your identity for the person you’re dating. After a while they’ll realize that you were only pretending and it can be heavily disappointing for both parties.
90. Never let a man tell you that you’ve friend-zoned him. If your friendship is worth that little to him, take it and leave. Don’t be afraid to flip him the bird in the process.
91. Lipstick will look perfect on you, regardless of the shade or your insecurities.
92. Don’t be afraid to tell anyone no, even if it’s me.
93. Don’t offer an explanation for your choices. You don’t have to.
94. Wear makeup to enhance your beauty, not to hide from the world.
95. You don’t have to be pretty for anyone but yourself.
96. Don’t be afraid to wear sweatpants and t-shirts to school. No one will remember what you wore ten years from now and being comfy is more important than being put-together.
97. Do everything with your friends. Sneak out of the house, get into trouble, drive with the windows down, laugh until you’re rolling and crying on the floor, smoke for fun, drink a little too much. Don’t be afraid to live.
98. Alcohol will never solve anything. It actually will probably make the situation worse. Have a drink to enjoy yourself, not to escape from the world.
99. Sometimes you just have to roll up a blunt and relax. Never let anyone tell you that marijuana is worse than alcohol.
100. If you don’t want to smoke or drink, don’t. You dictate your choices.
101. Never be afraid to call me to pick you up after you’ve been drinking.
102. Never be afraid to experiment. If you’re not sure, ask my opinion. I’ll promise to not mislead you.
103. Make me angry. Make me worry. Keep me on the edge of my seat.
104. Don’t accept any expectation that you don’t want on you. You don’t have to be anyone’s reason to live unless you want to.
105. Fat is not an insult. You may have fat, but your fat is not you.
106. Don’t shame anyone for their sexuality. Separate yourself from the words “slut” and “whore.”
107. STDs can happen. Protect yourself, but know that an STD doesn’t define you or make you a disgusting or bad person.
108. Never make a statement about something you don’t fully understand.
109. Tattoos are permanent. Think long and hard before you put something on your body that you might hate in the future.
110. If you’re positive you want that tattoo, get it. Decorate your body how you please.
111. Expect the best from everyone. Don’t accept anything but the best from everyone.
112. Never forget to give a birthday gift, even if you can’t afford it.
113. Be stubborn and faithful to your opinions.
114. When you are proved wrong, don’t fight it. Always listen to the opposing argument. Opinions can change and others can teach you.
115. School will never teach you the things in life that you truly need to know. Don’t ever turn down a chance to learn how to budget, change a tire, or get life experience.
116. There’s no such thing as perfect in any aspect of our world. The search for perfection is a fruitless journey.
117. Don’t waste your energy on yelling at other people. Lay your arguments out calmly and strategically, and be sure to be careful with your words because they could easily come back to haunt you.
118. If you need to scream, scream. Don’t scream at people you love. Give your anger to the universe and then let peace wash over you.
119. Always use birth control. Always be extra careful. A child is a gift, but you deserve to live your own life and be selfish and love yourself before having children of your own.
120. You don’t have to have children if you don’t want to. You are not a utensil for bearing sons and daughters.
121. Your identity is more than just that of a sister, daughter, and mother. You are not your relationships.
122. Never let anyone tell you that you take too many photos. Take photos of sunsets, take photos of bugs on trees. Document every second of your life and celebrate it.
123. On the contrary, don’t spend your life documenting and simply forget to live in it.
124. Live in the present. If the past and the future were places for you to be, we would have time machines.
125. The best therapist can be found in your best friend.
126. If a man is intimidated by you, he is not the man for you. Only allow a man who can accept and cherish your strength hold your heart.
127. Wear what makes you feel the most beautiful, be it tiny shorts or a head covering.
128. A smoothie doesn't have to be a meal, unless you want it to be.
129. Treat sex however makes you comfortable, be it saving yourself for marriage or exploring your partner on the first date.
130. Never let anyone tell you that you're to be subservient.
131. You don't have to be modest.
132. Question everything, even me. Especially me.
133. Always be willing to learn.
134. Always be willing to argue.
135. Stick your tongue out at anyone who tells you that "you have to be ladylike."
136. You are nobody's trophy and you don't have to be.
137. Never base your decisions on the opinions of other people.
138. Never feel like you have to base your love of another person on their physical gender. Love to love to love and love freely, whomever you wish. I will always support you.
139. Only you have to live your own life, and you only get to live it once. Make every decision your own and live for happiness to spite those who disagree.
140. If you fail, try again. Keep trying.
141. Your worth is consistent and stable. It never depends on the thoughts, actions, or words of other people, and it is NEVER based on your failures.
142. Don’t be afraid to be wrong. When you’re wrong, cast away your pride and admit it. It will save you thousands of worthless battles.
143. Don't be afraid of your naked body. Everyone has one and your personal choices regarding it are yours and yours alone.
144. Body hair doesn't make you disgusting. If the person you're with can't handle a little hair on your legs, then they don't have the appropriate maturity level to be with you. It is not your duty in life to be “pure.” Pure does not exist.
145. We are all human and life is a very, very un-pure accomplishment – We all do “dirty” things that we may not be proud of in the future. Expect to get your hands dirty.
146. Your virginity or lack thereof does not define you. You are not any more or less because you have or haven’t chosen to take a sexual partner.
147. In fact, the concept of virginity is a man-created fantasy. Don’t play into the belief that women have to be chaste while men have the freedom to do as they please sexually.
148. Rape is one of the most heartbreaking things on our planet, and it’s a control mechanism in the minds of sick people. Don’t blame any victim, or blame yourself, for rape.
149. If a man believes you’re less pure after he’s put his hands on you, he deserves no place in your life. It’s his hand that he should be concerned with the purity of instead of you.
150. No one is lesser because of their gender, skin color, nationality, race, or abilities.
151. Do your research before you form an opinion.
152. If you’ve made a mistake or hurt someone, always apologize. Never have too much pride to heal the wounds that you’ve created.
153. Find things that you’re passionate about and throw yourself into them 100%.
154. When you’ve found your passions, make them your work. Don’t concern yourself with a yearly salary – do what makes you happy. Do something that you’ll look forward to waking up to every morning. You are not a slave to society.
155. You can’t change the world and you don’t have to bear that weight on your shoulders. Do what you can to change your own reality, and others will follow.
156. Be a light in the world. Be someone that people are drawn to and someone that people can pour their souls into without worry. Be the friend that you want to have. “If there is light in the soul, there will be beauty in the person.”
157. Forgiveness is one of the hardest, most rewarding aspects of life. Forgive and forgive often.
158. Just because you’ve forgiven doesn’t mean you should forget.
159. Don’t be afraid to question what you can’t see. Solid evidence rarely ever is proven wrong.
160. Never let yourself feel trapped – there is always a way out and you will find it, and you WILL be happy again.
161. Mental illness is not a fault of character. Mental illness is a real, painful, life-changing, defining sickness and it cannot be controlled. Don’t ever discount anyone’s struggle when they are the one that lives inside their mind – not you.
162. Addiction is a mental illness. Never look down on those who are victims to drug addiction. Addicts are not innately bad people underneath the drug - substances change the threads of who you are as a person. Addicts deserve help instead of condemnation. 
163. Never lie about your age. Age gracefully. You don’t have to pretend you’re 29 forever.
164. You don’t owe anyone shit and don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.
165. If you want to show cleavage, show it. If anyone tells you to cover up, show more. It’s your body and no one else in the world has the right to make you feel ashamed of your natural and perfect human beauty.
166. You are not a vessel for me to fulfill my lifelong dreams and fantasies – you are your own unique, fully functioning person and I will not try to live vicariously through you.
167. Make the decisions that make you happy, not necessarily the ones that make me happy.
168. Romantic relationships aren’t built on burning passion, constant love making, and romantic-comedy heart wrenching quotes. You will cry, you will hurt, you will sometimes be forced to move on for your own personal growth.
169. If you choose to get married, marry your best friend. He or she will be able to provide you with a life full of laughter and friendship that a passionate, hot-headed relationship never could.
170. Always stand up for your fellow human being. Don’t allow someone to be tread on, abused, or hurt whether it be mentally, physically, or emotionally while in your presence.
171. Know that sometimes you can’t help everyone. Compassion is a virtue that will bring you just as much pain as it does reward.
172. You don’t need a hero to save you. You can always save yourself.
173. You don’t have to wear pink if you don't want to. You don't have to like girly things if you don't want to. In fact, you don't have to be a girl if you don't want to. Be fluid if that's how you feel inside.
174. “A girl should be two things: who and what she wants.” – Coco Chanel
175. I will never take your fierceness personally. I will not label you a rebel. Your life is always about you, not me. I will respect your decisions, as long as I know they won’t hurt you.
176. Your teenage years will not be a disease - you are just coming into your own, and sometimes it takes time and sometimes it hurts to grow.
177. I will always, always, always be honest with you about sex, whether you’re 6 or 36 – None of this stork nonsense. 
178. Never ask a question that you aren’t emotionally ready to hear the answer to.
179. You are not a princess. You are a queen, a warrior, a goddess, a leader, and a gift to this world.
180. Never be afraid to “talk back.” I can accept and respect that you also have a voice and opinion and I will always be willing to hear it wholly.
181. You catch more bees with honey than vinegar. Never let someone give you an attitude – you always have the right to politely correct them until they get the message that you’re not to be talked down to.
182. Helping others is much more rewarding than helping yourself.
183. A person’s character does not depend on how they treat others, but in how long they can treat others with kindness while being mistreated.
184. Don’t fall into the trap of “never trust a man who is unkind to his mother.” Blood relation does not mean that you have to accept disrespect quietly.
185. Actions always, always, always speak louder than words.
186. Never get too busy to stop and appreciate wildflowers on the side of the road.
187. Guard your secrets. They can very rarely be trusted with anyone else.
188. If you have to convince yourself that you’re right, then you’re most likely wrong.
189. You are never a liability or a burden. You are a valuable asset.
190. Don’t ever let the opinion of anyone else affect your most important relationships. Your heart is yours and yours alone, and you can follow it wherever it leads – just know that you are responsible for that decision.
191. Don’t allow anyone to generalize your spouse. You know much more about the depth of their soul and what’s in their heart than anyone outside of you ever could. Never trust those “things your men should/shouldn’t do” articles because they’re all general and full of fantasy.
192. Time spent reading is never time wasted.
193. Don’t procrastinate. Don’t be late. Do everything before it’s due and do it well.
194. Don’t be afraid to splurge on organic, additive-free, natural products, or fruits and veggies. Cancer and disease cost more long term than the healthy things you put into your body.
195. Aspire to be healthy, but never be a slave to food. Eat the damn fifth slice of cake if you want to.
196. "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it." Wise words to be heeded from Albert Einstein.
197. Learn about science. Bask in the wonders of this world and spend your time debating creationism and evolution and all theories in between. There is much to be learned from your surroundings.
198. Make this your life philosophy: ""I sit before flowers hoping they will train me in the art of opening up. I stand on mountain tops believing that avalanches will teach me to let go. I know nothing, but I am here to learn." - Shane Koyczan".
199. Study religions. Spend time with people of faith. Make your decisions about religion when you're ready and based on what makes your heart sing and your soul light. Never listen to anyone who tells you that you're wrong for doing so.
200. Don’t be afraid to live in the way that you feel is right for you.
201. Always be true to who you are inside – You will always be loved.